Buffalo County
  • Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment Application for Appointment

    Buffalo County, Nebraska welcomes all Buffalo County residents to apply for an opportunity to serve our county government on The Buffalo County Board of Adjustments or Buffalo County Planning Commission. All applications will be reviewed, recommended and appointed by the Buffalo County Board of Commissioners. 

    To apply, please complete and submit an Application for Appointment, linked below, to:


    Buffalo County Zoning Administrator
    Buffalo County Zoning Office 
    1512 Central Ave, PO Box 1270 
    Kearney, Nebraska 68848

  • Revised Proposed Zoning and Subdivision Regulations for Public Review
    The Buffalo County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing regarding revision and possible approval of the Buffalo County Zoning and Subdivision Regulations and Buffalo County Zoning District Map as part of the Buffalo County Comprehensive Plan, or the general plan for the improvement and development of the county outside of the jurisdiction of any city or village, as required per Neb. Rev. Stat. §23-174.06.

    To review the proposed regulations, please click here or a copy will be available in the Buffalo County Clerk's Office.
Criminal Division
Criminal Division

The Criminal Division of the Buffalo County Attorney's Office is responsible for the prosecution of all crimes that occur within Buffalo County.

The Attorneys of the Criminal Division make filing decisions after reviewing reports generated by local law enforcement agencies. Those agencies include Buffalo County Sheriffs Office, Kearney Police Department, Nebraska State Patrol, Nebraska Game and Parks, Shelton Police Department, and the Ravenna Police Department.

The mission of the Criminal Division is to actively investigate and aggressively prosecute crimes that occur in Buffalo County. Using advanced trial practices, research, and technology, it is our goal to prosecute those individuals that cause harm to the citizens of Buffalo County. We will work with the community, law enforcement, and government agencies to not only prosecute crimes, but to proactively search for ways to protect the community.

  • To work with the community and build a relationship of trust and understanding in order to work proactively to prevent crime.
  • To use research and investigative techniques to ensure quality criminal prosecutions for the citizens of Buffalo County.
  • To improve our understanding of the law and the community through seminars, training, and continuing education programs.
  • To use technologically-advanced trial practices.
  • To apply the law in an unbiased and consistent manner to ensure justice, equality, and safety for the community.
We are here to assist those individuals who are victims of crimes that occur in Buffalo County.

If you believe you have been a victim of a crime or have information about a crime, please contact one of the following agencies or your local police department: Once a report has been filed with the appropriate law enforcement agency, the case will be given to the County Attorney for review and prosecution. The Deputy County Attorney in charge of the case will contact the victims and witnesses to ensure that the best possible prosecution can be had.