Buffalo County
Planning & Zoning Commission

Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

2024 Planning and Zoning Commission Deadlines and Meeting Times

2024 Board of Commissioners Deadlines & Meeting Times


Review and recommend, to the County Board, the enactment and amendment of Buffalo County’s Zoning Map, Zoning Code, and Subdivision Code. Also this Commission conducts population, housing, and growth studies of Buffalo County and its rural areas. From this study, the Commission formulates Buffalo County’s Comprehesive Plan. That Plan provides to the Commission and this county a direction as to future growth and development for Buffalo County’s unincorporated and rural areas, including any Zoning Map or Code Amendments that be needed to pursue the goals of the Comprehensive Plan.

• Analyze and submit recommendations of approval or disapproval, of any applications regarding Subdivisions of any Development-Type Operations and Special Uses as identified in the County’s Zoning Code and Subdivision Code to the Buffalo County Board of Commissioners.

• Public meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month, at 7:00 p.m., at the Buffalo County Courthouse, unless otherwise posted.

Note: Government Offices can only accept written documents for filing into official government records unless specific statutory language authorizes filings done by other than written medium.

Filing Fee
*Zoning permits $100.00  ******
*Conditional/Special Use permits $50.00 plus estimated cost of publication
*Rezoning 75.00 plus estimated cost of publication posted at time of filing
*Amendments to Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Regulations, Subdivision Regulations and Zoning map $75.00 in each instance plus estimated cost of publication posted at time of filing
*Variances submitted to Board of Zoning Adjustment $100.00 plus estimated cost of publication posted at time of filing

**Administrative Subdivision Fees for Buffalo County:
Filing Fee
Filing with Zoning Administrator $300.00 plus estimated cost of publication at time of filing  ******
Modifications after filing
Plus filing fees set by Register of Deeds
$150.00 plus estimated cost of publication at time of filing  ******
 Plus per lot fee of $50.00  ******

**Non-Administrative Subdivision Fees for Buffalo County:
Filing Fee
Preliminary Plat $200.00 *** ******
Final Plat (applied each portion if staged) $100.00 ***  ******
Plus per lot fee of $50.00

**Other Processes or Events Fees for Buffalo County:
Filing Fee
Minor Subdivision Changes $100.00 plus estimated cost of publication at time of filing  ******
Vacation of Plat or part thereof $250.00 plus estimated cost of publication at time of filing

$125.00 plus estimated cost of publication at time of filing for administrative subdivisions *****
Variance $100.00 plus estimated cost of publication at time of filing  ******
Fee if public hearing postponed $50.00
Fee for process if not otherwise stated $50.00

****Conservation or Preservation Easements Fees for Buffalo County:
$125.00 or $2.00 per acre, whichever is greater

Plus filing fees set by Register of Deeds unless Code states otherwise
*Passed at Board of Supervisors meeting on May 28, 2002
**Passed at Board of Supervisors meeting on February 24, 2009
***Passed at Board of Supervisors meeting on September 14, 2010
****Passed at Board of Supervisors meeting on November 23, 2010
*****Passed at Board of Supervisors meeting on June 11, 2013 retroactive to May 14, 2013
******Passed at County Commissioners meeting on April 25, 2017 effective July 1, 2017