Buffalo County
  • Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment Application for Appointment

    Buffalo County, Nebraska welcomes all Buffalo County residents to apply for an opportunity to serve our county government on The Buffalo County Board of Adjustments or Buffalo County Planning Commission. All applications will be reviewed, recommended and appointed by the Buffalo County Board of Commissioners. 

    To apply, please complete and submit an Application for Appointment, linked below, to:


    Buffalo County Zoning Administrator
    Buffalo County Zoning Office 
    1512 Central Ave, PO Box 1270 
    Kearney, Nebraska 68848

  • Revised Proposed Zoning and Subdivision Regulations for Public Review
    The Buffalo County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing regarding revision and possible approval of the Buffalo County Zoning and Subdivision Regulations and Buffalo County Zoning District Map as part of the Buffalo County Comprehensive Plan, or the general plan for the improvement and development of the county outside of the jurisdiction of any city or village, as required per Neb. Rev. Stat. §23-174.06.

    To review the proposed regulations, please click here or a copy will be available in the Buffalo County Clerk's Office.
Facilities OMP
Facilities General Information

The Buffalo County Facilities OMP department strives to provide extraordinary, professional and reliable building management services for all of the county facilities.  Our Facilities Staff are trained professionals who are committed to providing a clean, safe, secure and functional building environment for both the county staff and the general public.  Buffalo County Facilities OMP includes Operations (Custodial and Maintenance), Management (Facility Rental Use and Administrative Services), and Planning (Short term and long term improvements)

The 14 members of the Facilities OMP staff are responsible for maintaining all County Government buildings, including the Courthouse, Judicial Center, County Jail, Highway Department
buildings, Extension Building, 4 office buildings, and a recreation area with a lake and campground.  There are over 30 buildings in total.  In addition to these facilities, Facilities OMP maintains 11 parking lots, all walkways, steps and lawns adjacent to these areas, including landscaping, and provides snow and ice removal during the winter. The staff meet regularly to review work practices and safety regulations.  They take part in additional training to keep up to date on the latest practices and procedures
relative to the cleaning, maintenance, security, and protection of County facilities, employees, and the general public.

"Facilities Operations" includes:

Custodial Services
Our Custodial Staff are trained cleaning professionals who are committed to providing a safe, clean and presentable building environment.  We provide custodial services for 10 of our County buildings, their entrances, surrounding grounds, and parking areas. These buildings include: 

--Buffalo County Courthouse
--Buffalo County Judicial Center
--Buffalo County Jail/EOC Center
--Adult Probation
--Juvenile Probation
--Extension Building
--215 Office Building
--Buffalo County Highway Department
--Buffalo County Weed District

Maintenance Services

Our Maintenance Staff are trained maintenance professionals who are committed to providing a safe, secure and functional building environment.  Their work includes:

--Planned/Preventative Maintenance - includes inspections, servicing, general upkeep to buildings, equipment and grounds.
--Reactive/Unplanned Maintenance - repairing breakdowns of our facilities and grounds
--Overseeing underground fuel storage tanks/piping/lines and ensuring compliance with government regulations
--Monitoring/Maintaining Building Management Systems including HVAC controls, fire alarm systems, etc.
--Emergency Maintenance - assessing/repairing/coordinating repairs to critical system breakdowns
--Snow and Ice Removal

"Facilities Management" includes:

Facility Rental Use
The Facilities OMP department is responsible for facilitating the rental use of county facilities.  At this time the principle location of this usage is the Buffalo County Extension Building.  The responsibility includes:

--Schedule the usage of the Extension Building meeting rooms & kitchen, and maintain the master schedule
--Process all requests for usage of the meeting rooms & kitchen, and insure compliance with Board policies and regulations
--Execute rental contracts for outside group usage and collect rental fees associated with each agreement
--Verify appropriate requirements are met by groups using the facility
--Provide Facility Assistant when required, for groups with alcohol
--Provide proper access to scheduled groups
--Prep building for usage and follow up to ensure that it has been returned in proper condition

Administrative Services
--Ensure compliance with employment rules/regulations, county policies, and all applicable state and federal laws/regulations
--Oversee the daily operations of the Facilities OMP workforce and the work assignments
--Monitor, inspect and review the daily operations of the County facilities and grounds
--Manage installations, repairs, equipment testing and contracted maintenance by outside sources
--Oversee the development and implementation of operational policies and procedures
--Utilize and administer facility/building management software systems to manage the county facilities
--Coordinate professional development of Facilities OMP staff through training and workshops
--Have a representative on the County safety committee and any other committee as requested

--Review and manage contracts related to county facilities
--Manage Facilities OMP equipment, materials and supplies and order inventory/supplies when needed
--Develop and maintain strong vendor and contractor partnerships to ensure the best quality, cost, and customer service for the County.
--Procure building equipment and supplies as needed for facilities

Claims/Accounts Payable
--Review and keep record of monthly bills and claims against Facilities OMP, including all utility bills for all County buildings

--Develop and manage Facilities OMP budgets, including preparing and maintaining a yearly budget
--Create cost estimates for anticipated individual projects.
--Manage budgeted costs on projects as they occur.

Management Software System  -  Facility Dude
--Facility management software utilized by the County
--Work tickets are generated by county employees needing custodial or maintenance assistance.  All work requests need to be submitted on a work request utilizing Dude Solutions software (FacilityDude).
--Work tickets are assigned to Facilities staff and/or contractors for work orders
--Additional "preventative maintenance" work tickets are also generated with FacilityDude for scheduled servicing/inspecting/upkeep.
--Once the work has been completed, the work tickets are closed out and a follow up email is sent to the requestor to let them know that the work has been completed
--Data is collected from the information inputted into FacilityDude and utilized for managing current costs and projecting future expenses/budgeting

"Facilities Planning" includes:

Planning, Design & Development
--Develop and implement one, two and six year department plans
--Small Scale - Develop and implement small scale adjustments to
existing spaces to keep space up to date and adequate for current
usage needs.
--Large Scale - Coordinate design, engineering and construction of all Capital improvements including new buildings, new additions to existing buildings, and remodels of existing buildings.
--Ensure compliance with all applicable local, state and federals laws and regulations related to buildings and grounds