Buffalo County
  • Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment Application for Appointment

    Buffalo County, Nebraska welcomes all Buffalo County residents to apply for an opportunity to serve our county government on The Buffalo County Board of Adjustments or Buffalo County Planning Commission. All applications will be reviewed, recommended and appointed by the Buffalo County Board of Commissioners. 

    To apply, please complete and submit an Application for Appointment, linked below, to:


    Buffalo County Zoning Administrator
    Buffalo County Zoning Office 
    1512 Central Ave, PO Box 1270 
    Kearney, Nebraska 68848

  • Revised Proposed Zoning and Subdivision Regulations for Public Review
    The Buffalo County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing regarding revision and possible approval of the Buffalo County Zoning and Subdivision Regulations and Buffalo County Zoning District Map as part of the Buffalo County Comprehensive Plan, or the general plan for the improvement and development of the county outside of the jurisdiction of any city or village, as required per Neb. Rev. Stat. §23-174.06.

    To review the proposed regulations, please click here or a copy will be available in the Buffalo County Clerk's Office.
Organizational Chart
Organizational Chart

The Emergency Manager is an appointed position responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of an emergency management system in Buffalo County to save lives and protect property. Such emergency management system shall include disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery capabilities. The incumbent is charged with making certain that the components of the emergency management system know the threats to the jurisdiction, planning for emergencies, being able to function effectively in an emergency, and conducting recovery operations following a disaster.

The position requires direct responsibility for the organization, administration, and operation of the Buffalo County Emergency Management System, subject to the direction and control of the Buffalo County Board of Commissioners. The position serves as the principal advisor to the Buffalo County Board of Commissioners in disaster/emergency matters. Supervision of day-to-day activities shall be directed by the Buffalo County Sheriff and Kearney Chief of Police.

The incumbent, in discharging duties, must work with elected and appointed officials of the local governments, of the state and of the Federal government, and private sector interests.

The incumbent is given broad and extensive authority to determine program priorities, requirements and procedures so as to implement and support the local, state and national programs and objectives. Completed work is reviewed in terms of net results and the achievement of broad objectives and conformance with general policies. Job effectiveness can be determined by the ability of the Buffalo County Emergency Manager to take the lead in developing local capabilities to mitigate disasters/emergencies and conduct coordinated operations in disasters/emergencies, making maximum use of all public and private resources available.