Buffalo County
  • Courthouse Closed - January 9th, 2025

    In response to the Presidential Executive Order issuing the National Day of Mourning on January 9, 2025. 
    Buffalo County offices will close for the observance of the National Day of Mourning. The Courts (County and District) will continue to operate as scheduled. 
    All emergency services will remain open.

  • Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment Opening
    Buffalo County has an opening for a candidate, who is appointed by the Board of Commissioners, to serve on the Buffalo County Planning and Zoning Commission and the Buffalo County Board of Adjustment for a three (3) year term. If interested, please complete The Application for Appointment.

    Application for Appointment

The ExpressVote is:

• A paper-based marking device that uses touch-screen technology to produce a paper ballot

• ADA friendly-has ports for headphones and other accessibility devices

• Easier to read because of visual aids that include high contrast and zoom functionality

• Available to everyone for use at each polling location on election day

• Available for use at the Election Office 30 days before any election date


How to vote on the ExpressVote - essvote.com/blog/video/video-expressvote-how-to-vote/