Buffalo County
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Assessor Calendar

 Jan 01 Assessment of Real Property (Discovery, List, Value)   77-1301
 Jan 01 Assessment of Personal Property (Discovery, List, Value)   77-1201
 Jan 01 R R  & Pub Serv req’d Report Non-Operating
Property to Assessor.  77-606 & 77-801 & Calendar
for Railroads & Public Service Entities.
 Jan 01 Effective Date for Filing: Homestead Exemption Claimants MUST be (a) Owner of Record and (b) Occupy the homestead. (c) MUST be 65 or older.(d) Effective Date of Disability and Filing Status.     77-3502   77-3505
 Jan 15 Mobile Home Court Owner et al files Report w Assessor 77-3706
 Jan 31 Gov’l Subdivisions provide Assr Off w COPIES OF LEASES or descriptions of Leased property.   77-202.11
 Jan 31 Deadline for county Board of Equalization to petition the Tax Equalization & Review        Commission for use of a different approach to value rent-restricted housing projects.                            (LB 356)    77-1333
Feb 01 Assessor makes recommendations on permissive exemption applications Form 451.                          To Board of Equalization.  Notice must be published in the paper, ten days prior to consideration of applications by the B O E that a list of organizations seeking permissive exemptions, legal descriptions, and  Assessor
recommendations is available in  the Assessor’s Office.  77-202.01
Feb 01 Statements of Reaffirmation Form 451A do not need to be approved by the BOE only by Assessor.   77-202.01
Feb 01 Assr issues notice of approval / denial Beginning Farmer Exemption Form 1027                                77-5209.02
Feb 01 Aircraft Report  filed with Assessor.   77-1250.02
Feb 01 Last day P.T.A. provide counties w Printed Claim Forms and Address Lists of prior year applicants.     77-3510
Feb 01 First day for claimants to file NE Homestead Exemption App or Certification of Status.              May fall on Feb 2 or 3 if Feb 1 is on Sat or Sun.       77-3512,  77-3513, 77-3514
Feb 28 Seeking Separate Taxation of IOLL &
LAND File Form 402 Improvements on Leased Land Assessment Application   77-1376
Mar 01 Certify  to P.T.A whether or not Ag & Hort Land are influenced by prices outside of the typical ag-hort land market. REG 17-003.03
If Special Valuation is used, must file specific information w P.T.A.. REG 11-005.04
Mar 01 Improvements owner on LEASED PUBLIC LAND may file Form 402P Improvements on Leased Public Land Assessment Application  77-1374
Mar 01 ASSR notifies governmental subdivisions of intent to tax property not used for public purpose
and not paying an in lieu tax.   77-202.12
Mar 01 PTA submits report of active TIF to the legislature  see Research Reports on web site. 18-2117.01
Mar 16 Deadline for written request for 
Extension of Time from PTA to file the County
Abstract of Assessment
for Real Property (Form 45) and the AVU
Directive 09-1  &   77-1514
Mar 19 Must inspect-review portion of real property parcels in county so that all real property parcels are
inspected-reviewed no less than every 6 years.  March 19, 2014 completes first 6-Year cycle   77-1311.03
Mar 19 Complete the County Abstract of Assessment  for Real Property (Form 45) with the PTA  (and the Assessed Value Update (AVU))    77-1301
Mar 19 Certify  the County Abstract of Assessment  for Real Property (Form 45) with the PTA  (and the Assessed Value Update (AVU))     77-1514
Aft Mar 19 Overvaluation or Undervaluation.  After March 19 and before July 25 (Aug 10 when extension) report to B.O.E. any overvalued or undervalued property. 77-1315.01
Anytime Duty to report to BOE all real property omitted from the assessment roll for the current or any former year except when such real property has changed ownership otherwise than by will,
inheritance, or gift.  77-1317, 77-123, 77-124, 
Anytime Correct the tax rolls as provided in section 77-1613.02 for any real property listed on the     Assessment roll but omitted from the tax
roll.  77-1316.01
Anytime BOE may meet at any time for correction of clerical errors defined in 77-128.    77-1507                      (Clerical error means transposition of numbers, mathematical error, computer malfunction               causing programming  and printing errors, data entry error, items of real property other than
land identified on the wrong parcel, incorrect ownership, or certification of an incorrect valuation
to political subdivisions.)  77-128
Mar 25 Assessorr may submit written comments to P.T.A. that become part of R & O REG 17-003.04
Apr 01 If homestead exemption notices mailed on or before Feb 01 did not contain all of The statutorily required information a 2nd notice must be sent on/before April 01. 77-3513,  77-3514
Apr 01
If homestead exemption notices mailed on or before February 1 did not contain all of The statutorily required information, a 2nd notice must be sent on or before April 1  77-3513     77-3514
Apr 01
Last day to send a RE-APPLY reminder to eligible previous year homestead Exemption
applicants.     77-3513,  77-3514
May 01 First-1/2 Real & Personal Property Taxes for Prior Year become delinquent  77-204
May 01 Deadline File Ne Personal Property Return & Schedule w/o penalty.   77-1229
May 01 Deadline w Agreement, File Form 775P &/or Form 312P  Claim for P P Exemption & supporting schedules  77-4105 (2)(c ) &  77-5725 (7)(c)   
May 01
First ½ of real & personal property taxes for prior assessment year become delinquent If unpaid in counties with less than 100,000 population.     77-204 
May 01 Deadline Physician’s Certificate for LATE
Homestead Exemption filing FORM 458L In counties less than 100,000 population.  77-3512,  77-3513,  77-3514.01
May 15 Last Day for T.E.R.C. to adjust the valuation 
of a class/sub-class of real property.  77-5028
May 30 Deadline TREA & ASSR  file FORM 458X
amended homestead exemption summary Certificate for tax loss previous year  (NOTE:  458X may be filed reflecting changes based on income ANYTIME up to 3 years after the exemption year.) 77-3523   and   77-3517
May 31 School system of County Official may request
corrections to school adjusted valuation due to tax list corrections of the prior assessment year.   79-1016
Jun 01 Assr publishes a notice in the newspaper CERTIFYING the (a)  assessment roll is Complete, (b) notices of valuation changes have been mailed, and (c) stating the final date for filing protests with the B O E   77-1315
Jun 01 Freeholder files petition with local board (Assessor, Treasurer & Clerk) to have school districts changed which is contiguous to that land.  79-458(1)
Jun 1 - Jul25 B O E holds hearings to review property valuation PROTESTS  77-1502
Jun 5 If T.E.R.C. ordered changes, Assessor re-Certifies the Abstract with PTA  77-5029
Jun 6 Assr mails assessment sales ratio stats given
by TERC to media & posts in office. 77-1315
Jun 15 Assr prepares a PLAN OF ASSESSMENT report for the next 3 years. 77-1311.02
Jun 30 Deadline for filing Homestead Exemption App
or Certification Of Status, Form 458      77-3512
Jun 30
Deadline Late Application and Written Request  B O E for Waiver of Late Filing for permissive
exemptions Forms 451 or 451A   77-202.01
Jun 30 Deadline. SPECIAL VALUATION application Ag-Hort use. Form 456  77-1345
Jun 30
Deadline  file property valuation protest with
County Clerk (for BOE)    77-1502  
Jun 30
Deadline P P Valuation Protest Returns filed
Jan 1 thru May 1 with County Clerk 77-1502
Jun 30
Deadline. SPECIAL VALUATION application Ag-Hort use. Form 456  77-1345
Jun 30  Last day to add  Personal  Property value with a 10% Penalty   77-1233.04
Jul 01 Added  Personal  Property is subject to 25%
Penalty from this date forward. 77-1233.04  
Jul 15 ASSR approves-denies SPECIAL VALUATION apps; notifies applicant before  July 22   77-1345.01
Jul 20 If deadline extension granted by B O E, new
Deadline for filing Homestead Exemption App or Certification Of Status, Form 458  77-3512
Jul 20 County Assr electronically certifies the County Personal Property Abstract Report to the P.T.A.  (beginning 2016)     (LB  259)     77-1514
Jul 22 Assr notifies applicants of special
valuation of approval or disapproval  77-1345.01
Jul 22
BOE sends notice of value change on Special Valued land if no notice previously Sent by Assr prior to June 1.
Jul 26 BOE petition T.E.R.C. for an adjustment to the valuation of a class/sub-class of property. (NOTE:  If protest period extended,  BOE waives right to petition.) 77-1504.01;   77-1502
Jul26-Aug24 Taxpayer file appeal of BOE to T.E.R.C.   77-1510
(NOTE: may file appeal to T.E.R.C. on/before Sep 10 for extended counties)
Jul 31 Last day ASSR send Notice of Rejection of Homestead Exemption  Form 458R        77-3516
Jul 31
Assr files 3-Year Plan Of Assessment with the BOE    77-1311.02
Jul 31
Last day for Annexations Pol Subs for taxable value in current year.   13-509(NOTE: Annexation by
Pol Subs on/after Aug 1 considered next year
Aug 01 Last day FORWARD approved Homestead Exemption Application or Certification of Status, Form 458, with Disability Certifications, Form 458B, or Veterans Affairs Letters, and Form 458 Schedule I – Income Statements to Tax Commissioner.                     77-3517
Aug 01
Assr reviews ownership & use of all cemetery real property and reports to BOE.                 77-202.10
Aug 01
Last Day Pol Sub submit request for LEVY ALLOCATION to BOE or CITY.            77-3443
Aug 01
CITY or Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA) files NOTICE to Divide Tax For Comm  Redevel  Project (T I F) with the County Assr.   18-2147(3)
Aug 01 PTA certifies to T.E.R.C. the ASSR implemented the equalization orders.            77-5029
Aug 01 Tax Commissioner certifies Exempt P P for Employment & Investment Growth Act Form
775P and Nebraska Advantage Act Form
312P ; notifies Taxpayer and County Assessor.    77-4105;   77-5725(c)
Aug 02 County Clerk mails notice of  B O E  decisions
to protestors.            77-1502(4)
Aug 10 Last Day T.E.R.C. act on BOE petition..   77-1504.01
Aug 10 T.E.R.C. sets equalization rate for real property of Centrally Assessed Railroads and Public Service
Entities.   77-5022
Aug 10 PTA certifies distributed taxable value of Centrally Assessed Property to Assessor.         77-5030
Aug 15 Approved  Freeholder  Petition filed on/before June 1 of current year become Effective.    79-458(3)
Aug 15
ASSR approves/denies Homestead Exemption based on Ownership or Occupancy From Jan 1 through Aug 15  77-3502
Aug 15
Deadline for Homestead Exemption to file an Application for Transfer Form 458T   77-3509.01
Aug 20 Certify taxable valuations & growth value to political subs.  Certify current values For each T I F project  to City or Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA) and to Treasurer 13-509;   13-518;  18-2148
Aug 20 If T.E.R.C. orders changes for B O E petitions, ASSR re-certifies ABSTRACT (Form 45) to PTA     77-1504.01
Aug 24 Last day taxpayer appeals B O E decision to T.E.R.C. 77-1510
Aug 25 ASSR certifies  School District Taxable Value Report to P.T.A..   79-1016
Aug 31 Annual Inventory County Personal Property in custody of Assessor  23-347
Sep 01
Second-1/2 Real & Personal Property Taxes for Prior Year become delinquent  77-204
Sep 01
After B O E value adjustments, Assr determines AVERAGE RESIDENTAL VALUE For homestead exemption and certifies the Homestead Exemption Certification of Average Assessed Value of Single-Family Residential Property Form 458V  to PTA      77-3506.02
Sep 01
No LEVY allocation change  after this date except by agreement by LEVYING Authority and Political
Subdivision.   77-3443
Sep 10 Where B O E extended Protest Hearings, Last day Protestor appeal BOE decision to T.E.R.C 77-1510
Sep 15 B O E last day for decision on Under or Over Valued Property   77-1504
Sep 15 P.T.A. certifies the amount of Real Property TAX CREDIT to State Treasurer and to each county.             77-4212
Sep 20 BUDGETS must be Final and Filed with the levying board and State Auditor.         13-508
Sep 30 ASSR may amend  the School District Taxable Value Report for corrections or errors      79-1016
Sep 30 BOE publishes list of Permissive Exemptions and sends list and proof of publication To P.T.A. 77-202.03 (5)
Oct 1 Rent-Restricted Housing Projects  file INCOME &
EXPENSE STATEMENTSs and any Other  Info requested by Assr with both Assr & Tax Commissioner. (LB 356). 77-1333
Oct 1 Rent-Restricted Housing Projects  file INCOME &
EXPENSE STATEMENTS and any Other Info requested by Assr with both Assr & Tax Commissioner. (LB 356). 77-1333
Oct 9 Last Day for voter approval to exceed LEVY limits or final allocation at election or “town hall meeting.”   77-3444
Oct 10 P.T.A. certifies the school adjusted valuations to
Dept of Ed, School systems, and County Assessors.  79-1016
Oct 10 P.T.A.certifies the school adjusted valuations to
Dept of Ed, School systems, and County Assessors.  79-1016
Oct 13 Political Subs forward resolution setting a tax request different from the prior year to County Clerk            77-1601.02
Oct 15 LEVY DATE  Last day
B O E to set tax rates/levies   77-1601
Oct 15 Last Day taxpayer file B O E appeal to T.E.R.C. re under or over valued property      77-1504
Oct 31 Assr submits 3-Year Plan and any Amendments to Dept of Revenue  77-1311.02
Nov Rent-Restricted Hsg Projects Valuation Committee meets annually in November to Examine Rent-Restricted Hsg Projects statements & expense reports in order to Calculate a Market-derived Capitalization Rate.  (LB  356)     77-1333
Nov 1 Last Day Tax Comm  certifies qualified Homestead Exemption income determinations to the County
Assessor.   77-3517
Nov 5 Last Day B O E correct levies/tax rates as a result
of clerical error.  77-1601
Nov 10 Deadline school sys file appeal with Tax Comm
for the School Adjusted Value Certified for use in the school aid formula.   79-1016
Nov 10
 School Dis or County Off deadline  file written
request w Tax Comm correction school adjust
value due to clerical error or  SPECIAL
Nov 15 Deadline. EXEMPT TO EXEMPT. For an org to file a permissive exempt application For property it purchased between July 1 and levy date previously exempt.                          77-202.03
Nov 22 Deliver Signed WARRANT For Collection Of Taxes To Treasurer having completed the tax list for real and personal property.   77-1616
Nov 30 Deadline ASSR & TREA certify to P.T.A. Homestead Exemption Summary Certificate Form
458S for tax loss due to homestead exemptions for the current tax year.(Both signatures required)   77-3523
Nov 30 Deadline for ASSR & TREA certify electronically the Personal Property Tax Loss Summary Certificate for personal property exemption for locally assessed property(beginning 2016)     (LB 259)     77-1239
Dec 01 Assr files Certificate of Taxes Levied (CTL)
with P.T.A.  77-1613.01
Dec 01 City or CRA (Community Redevelopment Authority) files report with P.T.A. for approved tax
increment financing projects (T I F)   18-2117.01
Dec 01 Last day Property Tax Administrator (P.T.A.)
forwards copy of Rent-Restricted Housing Projects annual report by the Valuation Committee to ASSR for Cap Rate In determining value of rent-restricted
housing projects.  (LB 356)    77-1333
Dec 01  Deadline for ASSR to ensure sales data in state sales file is accurate and all sales Are included.   Directive 12-05
Dec 31 Real Property & Personal Property Taxes Due – LIEN DATE   77-203
Dec 31 Permissive Exemption Application deadline For newly acquired property or in years divisible by four, file Exemption Application Form 451

For interim years, file Exemption Application Form 451A

For example:  File Form 451A by Dec 31, 2014 to
reaffirm  for assesssmt year 2015 File Form 451   by Dec 31, 2015 to apply for assessmt year 2016  (which is divisible by 4) 77-202.01;   77-202.03
Dec 31 Deadline. Form 1027 Exemption App Qual Beginning Farmer / Livestock Producer Must be filed with Assr on-before Dec 31 in the year preceeding year applied for.Exemption is for
Personal Property tax on ag-hort machinery & equipment. 77-202.01;   77-5208; 77-5209.02
Dec 31
Deadline for taxpayer/owner to file Vacant or
Unimproved Lot Application, Form 191To elect to have 2 or more lots held for sale/resale to be treated as one parcel for Property tax purposes.        77-132
Dec 31
Owner petition T.E.R.C. determine taxable status of real property – if  a failure to give proper notice prevented the timely filing of a protest or appeal for exempt property.        
Dec 31
Last Day for Tax Commissioner to review income and other information for the third Preceding year and take any action.  77-3517
May 01 & Sept 01 First 1 / 2 and 2nd 1 / 2, Real and Personal Property Taxes for prior assessment year Sept 01          become delinquent, if unpaid, in counties with a population less than 100,000 pop’n.          77-204

Domestic Violence FAQ

What is a crime of Domestic Violence?
A crime of Domestic Violence (DV) is any crime involving individuals who are currently or have had in the past an intimate and/or dating relationship. It may include a physical assault. It may also include, but is not limited to, the following types of cases: damage to property, theft, refusing a request to leave, violation of a protection order, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, etc. 

A police report has been filed and the suspect was not arrested at the scene.  What happens next?
If they were not arrested at the scene and the crime involves Domestic Violence (DV), the police report will be further investigated by law enforcement. If that further investigation reveals sufficient evidence to believe a crime has been committed, the police will give that information to the County Attorney’s office for review. If the police do not believe a crime has occurred or that there is insufficient evidence to proceed in a criminal case, no further action will be taken.

If the County Attorney’s office believes sufficient evidence exists, appropriate charges will be filed, which may include the prosecutor’s request of the County Court for an arrest warrant for the suspect.

A police report has been filed and the suspect was arrested at the time of the incident or arrested on a warrant, what happens next?
The next step is usually an arraignment hearing. Arraignments are generally done every weekday at 1:30 p.m. on the next business day after the arrest, excluding holidays. The Judge will tell the defendant what they are charged with and the possible penalties. They will be granted an appearance bond, which will require that they have no contact with their victim. That means they are not to visit, telephone, e-mail, text, or in any way communicate with their victim. The accused will have the opportunity to hire an attorney, or be appointed one if they cannot afford one. The defendant may enter a plea of guilty or no contest, and the next hearing will be a sentencing; or a plea of not guilty, and a trial date will be set.

The Judge issued a No Contact Order, what does that mean?
It is a condition of bond in all cases of Domestic Violence, issued by the Judge at arraignment that forbids contact with the listed victim, or victims, until the case is resolved. It is the policy of the Buffalo County Attorney’s Office to uphold and defend that “No Contact Order,” even if the victim does not wish one. The Defendant may be charged with an additional crime if he/she violates that order, and may also have his/her bond revoked or increased as a result of violating said order.

How can I find out if an offender is still in jail?
Contact VINE at 877-NE 4 VINE or (877) 634-8463, or online at www.vinelink.com.

I posted bond for someone, how do I get that money back?
If a Defendant can post the bond, it will be released to the Defendant, regardless of who posted the bond. The bond will be released upon the resolution to the defendant, unless otherwise ordered by the court.

What if I want to drop charges and/or recant the statements made to the Police?
Our office will not drop charges, generally speaking. Charges are filed by the State of Nebraska, not the alleged victim. It is the best interest of the State of Nebraska and the alleged victim to see that any person accused of Domestic Violence be held accountable for their actions.  Domestic Violence poses a danger not only to the victim, but also to the victim’s family and society as a whole. The State of Nebraska has a “no-drop” policy to protect not just the individual victim and to ensure that there is no further violence perpetrated by the accused.

What will happen at a trial?
There are two types of trials: Jury or Bench. A Bench trial is decided by a judge only. A Jury trial is decided by a group of citizens. At both trials there is evidence presented. The witnesses will testify as to what they saw and heard. Evidence may include witness testimony, copies of 911 call recordings, photographs of injuries and the scene, hospital and doctor reports, telephone records, and more. The witnesses will be cross-examined. After all of the evidence is presented there will be a decision of guilty or not guilty.

Will I have to testify?
The majority of DV cases are resolved prior to trial by a plea agreement. However, if such an agreement cannot be reached, you will receive a subpoena that court-orders you to appear and testify at trial.

What could the potential sentence be upon a finding of guilt?
The sentence depends upon the crime charged. Judges have great latitude in sentencing offenders. They may order the defendant to pay a fine, be placed on probation, or serve time in jail or prison, or may order a combination of those things.

As a part of probation, a judge may order the defendant to pay restitution. In order for restitution to be paid, the defendant must be eligible to be placed on probation OR to have posted sufficient bond to pay the requested amount of restitution. Only those victims listed in a police report who have been reported to have damage to property may be given restitution. Victims may be required to submit a victim impact statement and documentation for any restitution they desire. If no restitution is at issue, a victim may, through a victim impact statement, tell the sentencing judge in writing how they feel about the event and what they think ought to be done with the offender.

How do I find out what time/date the trial will be?
Victims and witnesses will be personally notified in writing of the date, time, and location of the trial. Victims and witnesses will receive a letter and legal document called a subpoena that court orders them to appear on the date of trial. It is important to communicate with the prosecutor in preparation for trial.

What if I received a subpoena but cannot testify?
A subpoena is a legal document that court orders someone’s appearance. If that person choose to ignore the subpoena and does not appear, a judge may find them in contempt of court and issue a warrant for their arrest.

If you cannot appear for some legitimate reason, you should call the prosecutor assigned to your case and explain. The prosecutor may then ask the court to continue the trial or hearing, and there may be a hearing on that request. The hearing will be held in front of the judge assigned and the Defendant and his/her attorney will be present. Continuances are only granted in extreme circumstances.
What is my role in the case and how/when will I be contacted?
The Buffalo County Attorney’s Office encourages victims to be involved in the legal process. A member of our office or the Kearney Police Department Victim/Witness Unit will contact victims to let them know when a Defendant is scheduled to be arraigned, and also after the arraignment so that they have information as to future court dates, appearance bonds, and any other conditions of a Defendant’s release. 

The prosecutor assigned to the case is also available to answer any questions a victim may have, and to consult with them regarding any potential plea agreements negotiated with the defendant’s attorney. The victim will be notified of any pending sentencing dates or other important hearings.

For information about the status of a case, call the Kearney Police Department Victim/Witness Unit at (308) 233-5263, or call the County Attorney’s Office at (308) 236-1222.

Where can I get help? 
You are not alone in this process. There are several organizations that specialize in domestic violence issues that are waiting to help you through the process. The Kearney Police Department Victim/Witness Unit (308-233-5263) is here to provide support services for you. The S.A.F.E. Center also offers many resources for victims of domestic violence and their families.

How can I get a Protection Order?
If you are in fear of your safety, you may obtain a court order to prevent an individual from contacting you. Information and downloadable forms are available online. Or, contact the Buffalo County Clerk of the District Court to obtain them. The S.A.F.E. Center can be a source of information also. Finally, the Kearney Police Department’s Victim/Witness Unit can provide information.