Buffalo County
  • Courthouse Closed - January 9th, 2025

    In response to the Presidential Executive Order issuing the National Day of Mourning on January 9, 2025. 
    Buffalo County offices will close for the observance of the National Day of Mourning. The Courts (County and District) will continue to operate as scheduled. 
    All emergency services will remain open.

  • Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment Opening
    Buffalo County has an opening for a candidate, who is appointed by the Board of Commissioners, to serve on the Buffalo County Planning and Zoning Commission and the Buffalo County Board of Adjustment for a three (3) year term. If interested, please complete The Application for Appointment.

    Application for Appointment
2014 Board of Supervisors Agendas/Minutes/Notices

Buffalo County furnishes the public information contained herein as a public service. This information may not reflect the most recent resolutions of the County Board and if the resolutions need to be legally relied upon, the most current version may be obtained at the office of the County Clerk. Please also read the disclaimer statement.

Open Meetings Act.

Zoning packets are available upon request from the Zoning Administrator.

Please choose the Agenda you wish to view from the list below.

 January 14, 2014   Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 January 28, 2014   Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 February 11, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 February 25, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 March 11, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 March 25, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 April 8, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 April 22, 2014  Notice  Agenda   Minutes 
 May 13, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 May 27, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 June 10, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 June 24, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 July 8, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 July 15, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 July 22, 2014  Notice  Agenda   Minutes
 August 12, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 August 26, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 September 9, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 September 23, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 October 14, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 October 28, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 November 10, 2014  Notice  Agenda   Minutes
 November 25, 2014  Notice  Agenda   Minutes
 December 9, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes
 December 23, 2014  Notice   Agenda   Minutes

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