Buffalo County
  • Courthouse Closed - January 9th, 2025

    In response to the Presidential Executive Order issuing the National Day of Mourning on January 9, 2025. 
    Buffalo County offices will close for the observance of the National Day of Mourning. The Courts (County and District) will continue to operate as scheduled. 
    All emergency services will remain open.

  • Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment Opening
    Buffalo County has an opening for a candidate, who is appointed by the Board of Commissioners, to serve on the Buffalo County Planning and Zoning Commission and the Buffalo County Board of Adjustment for a three (3) year term. If interested, please complete The Application for Appointment.

    Application for Appointment
Subdivision Road Specifications, RL-3

Minimum Right of Way-66 feet requirement
Design Speed (MPH)-30 MPH or less
Maximum Curve (degree)-23.0 degree
Maximum Grade (%)-10%
Number of Lanes-2
Lane Width-10 feet each
Shoulder Width (feet)-3 feet
Lateral Obstacle Clearance (feet)-5 feet
Surface Type Minimum--Gravel

Drainage Facilities
Buffalo County will require the number of structures to accommodate adequate water drainage (culverts and bridges), as well as adequate drainage ditches to insure a safe travel surface for the traveling public. The County will not be responsible for any drainage structures that have not met requirements.

Turn Arounds
Minimum radius of 66.0 feet on dead end roads for adequate machine turn arounds.

Proper signing will be required on intersections within the subdivision as well as on main roads outside and/or leading into a subdivision. This includes proper dead end signs, obstacle markers and speed signs.

Paved and hard surfaced driveways will be the responsibility of the landowner in the event of any reconstruction or maintenance work. New driveways within the subdivision are the responsibility of the landowner. Landowners must obtain a driveway permit from the County Highway Department, whereupon the Highway Department will check the location for drainage and/or culvert size. If a culvert is required, it will be the responsibility of the landowner to purchase the culvert and install it.

Trees, Etc.
Trees, shrubbery or flowers will not be allowed within the 66.0 feet of right of way, nor will fences be allowed within this right of way.

Snow Removal
Snow removal will consist of the traveled surface only as low priority. Driveways will be the responsibility of the landowner or tenant.

Those gravel roads within the subdivision will be treated as low priority as compared to other County gravel roads. Paved or hard surface roadways within the subdivision will be the responsibility of the subdivision as far as maintenance, patching, resurfacing or complete reconstruction. Buffalo County will assume snow removal of the traveled roadway only. Any outside construction or maintenance work done on those roads within the subdivision by a contractor or resident will not be the responsibility of Buffalo County liability and/or cost.

For additional information, please contact the Highway Department at 308-236-1237.

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