Buffalo County
Functions of the County Board

  1. Take and have care of all real and personal property owned by the County.
  2. Manage County funds and businesses.
  3. Make all orders respecting property of the County, to keep buildings insured, and to sell public grounds and businesses.
  4. Lay out, alter or discontinue any road running through the County.
  5. Examine and settle all accounts against the County and accounts concerning receipt and expenditures.
  6. Vacate any city or village plats, not a part of an incorporated city or village, within the County.
  7. Expend money for care and maintenance of abandoned cemeteries.
  8. Create a planning commission and a comprehensive development plan for the County.
  9. Cooperate in the control and eradication of insects, pests and plant diseases.
  10. Levy and collect taxes for the County.
  11. Provide suitable courthouse, jail and other public buildings.
  12. Carry out all other duties imposed by law.

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